Support the body’s natural healing ability using adjustments, mobilizations, gentle soft tissue therapy, acupuncture…then and strengthen the body using pilates and other exercises, to maximize health potential!
Chiropractic and pilates can be incorporated for:
SPORTS INJURIES – and other life injuries
PRE-POST PREGNANCY – to help mom with changes in their posture and body
POST SURGICAL CARE – especially beneficial for disc herniations and back surgery
PREHABILITIATION – for ACL, knee and hip replacements and back surgery
CLINICAL CONDITIONS - scoliosis, disc herniations, osteoarthritis, strains/sprains
By using THERAPEUTIC PILATES, weak and injured areas are stabilized and strengthen for effective long term PAIN RELIEF and MAXIMIZED HEALTH!
Gentle techniques such as cranial sacral therapy can help
BREASTFEEDING- painful latch
TONGUE TIE BABIES – assessment and treatment, pre/post frenotomy
FUSSY BABIES – colic, reflux , torticollis
THE DYAD: MOM AND BABY– blocked ducts, breastfeeding ergonomics
BIRTH TRAUMA – difficult births, posterior births
LIFE TRAUMA - falls, bumps, limping
DEVELOPMENTAL MOTOR MILESTONES – delayed sitting, crawling, walking
TUMMY TIME – The Canadian Pediatric Society recommends “Prone position during awake time (tummy time) for 10 min to 15 min at least three times per day reduces the development of plagiocephaly”. Tummy time is critical for babies, yet many hate tummy time.
Online assessments and treatment options are available. Please contact us for details.