ChiropracticPilates Yonge is participating in a Community Based Clinical Education Program, a division of clinical education at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC). Please welcome Jaime Ward, a chiropractic intern.
In compliance with relevant Health and Privacy legislation, as well as standards of practice of the College of Chiropractors, Jaime will be observing, assisting and learning from Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit.
Jamie graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology in 2018. While competing her studies she was a member of the UNB Varsity Reds Track and Field and Curling teams. As a multi-sport athlete she saw many of her teammates battle various injuries and this is what lead to her pursuit to a career in Chiropractic. Jamie is currently finishing her 4th year of studies at CMCC and is passionate about long term athlete development, and life-long sport participation. Jamie has already done 2 exchanges in her undergrad ( Australia and Wales) . She loves cooking, coffee, reading and is currently learning how to speak Arabic!